Athlete's Foot and Fungal Infections: Treatment and Prevention Strategies

Like many organisms, fungi can be either good or bad. Mushrooms can make for a great pizza topping, yet other species of fungi can also be a pain and may infect your feet (or occasionally, even your hands). Perhaps worse, athlete’s foot infections can spread throughout your body and also to other people. Treatment, meanwhile, can be difficult and time-consuming. Fortunately, you can work with Dr. Ketan Patel at the Ankle & Foot Centers of Georgia - Windy Hill Podiatry, serving Marietta, GA, to get fungal infections under control.

Preventing Fungal Infections Altogether

 When it comes to medical care, prevention is often the best course. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of fungal infections. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to completely eliminate risks, but you can improve your odds with a bit of preventative care.

First, fungi tend to like dark, moist places, such as your socks and shoes. If fungi get into your shoes, they could start breeding. As such, it’s a good idea to let your shoes air out, and you should spray the insides with sanitizing sprays. It’s especially important to sanitize your shoes if they’ve been soaked in water or sweat.

Also, you should be careful when using gyms and similar facilities. These spaces offer perfect breeding grounds for fungi and other microbes. Wearing shower shoes in changing rooms and on pool decks is a must. As for your regular shoes, pairs that breathe well can reduce the risk of fungi. That said, even with these shoes, you need to keep an eye out.

Also, make sure you wear clean socks every day. When washing socks, it’s smart to use the highest temperature possible. Of course, you should make sure that high heat won’t damage your socks or other pieces of clothing. Make sure you read the recommended washing guidelines.

Sometimes it’s too late for prevention. Fortunately, if you live in or near Marietta, GA, and need help with fungal infections, you can get in touch with Ankle & Foot Centers of Georgia - Windy Hill Podiatry. Dr. Patel is ready to help.

Treating Fungal Infections Properly

 Many forms of fungi are quite hardy. Fungi can often put up with environments that other lifeforms would wilt in. However, you can get prescriptions for antifungal medications, including both oral pills and topical creams. A podiatrist can also recommend non-prescription at-home treatments to limit athlete’s foot from spreading further.

Need help with fungal infections in Marietta, GA? Get in touch with Ankle & Foot Centers of Georgia - Windy Hill Podiatry for assistance. You can reach Dr. Patel at (770) 952 5300. The quicker you start treatment, the quicker you can get athlete's foot and other fungal conditions under control.

Our Location

2520 Windy Hill Road Suite 205 Marietta, GA 30067

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Windy Hill Podiatry Associates, PC


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



